Message from Chairperson
Kaikoukai Healthcare Group Chairman
Support your life
The mission of medicine is to protect “life and health,” the root of human dignity. In order for us to fulfill that important mission, it is crucial that we not only improve medical techniques, but also establish a sustainable ample financial base. To ensure better lives for tomorrow for our patients, we must also ensure a better tomorrow for our business with healthy business practices. By reinvesting the ample profits in further technical innovation, employment of talented staff, and new business development, we will continue to provide the finest level of high-quality medical care.
Good medicine cannot be achieved without compatibility between the management of people and the management of finances. This means daily innovation is always required. In particular, Japan faces an era of declining population, and it means that the market for medical care will shrink. Therefore, it is arising that a need to welcome inbound patients from overseas in the medical industry as well. Until now, Kaikoukai Healthcare Group has been constantly introducing new technologies. Although we are not very large as a medical institution, but we are proud of our world-class strengths in fields starting with dialysis care.
In fact, we were interviewed by the Asian edition of the global news magazine “TIME” in 2024, and an introductory article will be published in the summer. TIME is an international medium with more than 100 years of history and strong influence. We were surprised to receive an interview request from such a medium. As a reason for that, they mentioned "Kaikoukai Healthcare Group's efforts are pioneers of innovation and internationalization in Japanese medical industry,". The fact that TIME focused on a regional city in Nagoya, besides private healthcare corporation is both proud and humbling at the same time. As I mentioned in the interview, in addition to the major medical issues of “diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors” and “treatment and nursing care for dementia”, we are working to build evidence ahead of the rest of the world in the diagnosis and treatment of TGCV (triglyceride deposit cardiomyovasculopathy), a new disease discovered in Japan in 2008. TGCV is a common disease in diabetic and dialysis patients, and its contribution to treatment will be directly linked to protecting many people from cardiovascular disease. In the future, I pledge to respond to the demands of the people while aiming for medical care that can compete globally.